Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Messier Promise

Excuse me while I step out of the Duck spotlight and expose thoughts on modern sports.

It seems that nowadays there are a lot of athletes who think that they can guarantee some sort of win when they are in a hopeless situation. Several basketball and football athletes can be named who did so. 

I think that this is a gesture that should only be made at the right time (it's easy to say that it is the wrong time when the team ends up losing, isn't it?) and made by the right player. 

Joe Nameth. I don't know much about football. I can tell you who plays for what team, the legacy of the Packers and Steelers, why L.A. can't keep a football team, but really I can't defend all the guarantees made. Now, I can say that Joe Nameth stepped up and did it. I know he wasn't huge beforehand, but he made his professional career out of that event. 

Ever since Adam, a friend of mine who writes a darn good sports blog (go-cougs.blogspot.com), mentioned that he could name a few hockey players. Gretzky, Lemieux, Lindros (this surprised me), and Messier. Now Messier was already a great player before he played with the Rangers. Five Stanley Cups in Edmonton.  

This, however, is what most people who don't know anything about hockey should remember. 

1 comment:

Adam said...

I'll admit, this is a great story. I didn't think such heroics existed in hockey.

By the way, I love it when players make brash statements such as guaranteeing victory. Sometimes I think players are too guarded and too coached. I love seeing players speak their true feelings and speak emotionally.